Antique Bookshelves In Your Home Library


Antique Bookshelves In Your Home Library – An antique bookshelf can make a nice addition to your home decor, while helping you keep your collection organized and well kept. Antique bookshelves come in a variety of styles, sizes and colors. Each one has its own unique characteristics and special charm. They are beautiful pieces of handiwork in and of themselves, and adding your books can make them complete.

If you are a book collector, or simply an avid reader, consider the number of books that you have, and what size bookshelf you need. If you take pride in your collection of books, one or two quality antique bookshelves are worth the investment.


Typically antique bookshelves are made from special woods like mahogany, oak, or walnut. Sometimes these bookshelves have revolving parts or adjustable shelves. A tall bookcase that has many shelves is ideal for an individual who is always adding to their collection. Another option is to have more than one antique bookshelf.

Antique bookshelves can be built into a wall or they can stand alone. Depending on the space available, one large bookcase might serve the purpose, or a few smaller ones throughout your space may work better. Do you want to have your shelves in one room, or in different rooms in your home?


Before you install an antique bookshelf in your home, choose its location carefully. Make sure that there will not be any obstructions, like opening doors that can destabilize the books. You should have a clear open space so that you don’t have to move other furniture to reach books on lower shelves. Make sure that you take measurements of the height of the room. It would be terrible if the bookshelf was too high for the ceiling. The width is also important, since the bookshelf should not be wider than the wall it will be against.

Once your antique bookshelf is in place you can organize your books upon the shelves. You can sort them by size, subject, or alphabetically. Remember to dust the shelves regularly so the look and feel of the shelve remains fresh. Enjoy your books, and enjoy your shelf.




